Located at Epic Yoga DC
1323 Connecticut Avenue Northwest 2nd Floor, Washington DC 20036
Click HERE to register
Handstand + Forearmstand Workshop
10am-12pm $35 (both for $60)
This workshop is focused on using handstand and foreamstand as tools for self reflection. After an extensive flexibility warm up, Irene will take you through drills and skills specific to building the strength, awareness, and alignment necessary to balance upside down. This workshop will be mostly focused on creating straight lines, controlled entrances and exits (plus learning how to fall), and working up to pressing. You will leave this workshop with a plan of how to work toward your asana goals, as well as a deeper understanding of how your ego can relate to your practice.
Parts of this workshop will include partner work, and you will be asked to use your phone to take photos and/or videos so that you can check your alignment and increase your body awareness.
Prerequisite: helpful to have some familiarity with headstand
Advanced Flexibility Workshop
12:30pm-2:30pm $35 (both for $60)
This workshop is specifically for those with a consistent practice that are looking for ways to deepen flexibility in back bending, forward bending, and hip opening poses. Irene will share tips and tricks learned from circus performers, contortionists, and hand balancers in order to help you safely explore new depths. Irene will discuss how to evaluate your own anatomy and practice in order to balance your body with both stability and range of motion.
Expect to see things like flipping the grip in poses like bow and dancer, and bringing the feet to the head for cobra and eventually scorpion, hollow-backs, over splits, chest stands, and some partner stretching. This workshop will be catered to the group, but being somewhat comfortable in the splits is recommended (if you have questions, email Ireneinfo@fitqueenirene.com).
Click HERE to register