June Handstand Workshops

All workshops are sliding scale/donation based pricing.

Handstand Foundations

June 12 from 12-1:15pm EDT (75 minutes)

$30 suggested donation

Option to join live and/or practice with the recording, available until July 12th.

This workshop goes over all the foundational elements of a handstand practice and is perfect for those interested in learning how to use the wall effectively as well as how to progress off the wall!

Irene will share many of her favorite drills for:
- Improving alignment and awareness for different handstand shapes
- Building endurance and conditioning to make hard things feel easier
- Increasing complimentary flexibility in your legs and shoulders

Irene will also include:
- How to fall
- How to create your own handstand training routine
- Q&A at the end to cover any additional questions

Prerequisites: 60 second plank and some experience with handstands on the wall

Props: 2 blocks or books, a strap or belt, wall space, an elevated surface like a bed, couch, or chair, and ideally enough space to practice falling out of handstands. If you are working with a smaller space Irene will give options for you, too!

Handstand Bootcamp Class

June 13 from 12-1pm EDT

$20 suggested donation

Option to join live and/or practice with the recording, available until July 13th.

This class will showcase Irene’s favorite exercises and drills for building overall handstand strength, endurance, and conditioning. Expect to see "bootcamp" style drills and exercises including a variety of lower body exercises and calisthenics. There will be an emphasis on building overall shoulder strength and stability with bodyweight strength exercises (not just handstands!)

Prerequisite: 45+ second chest to wall handstand and the ability to jump up into a handstand even if you can't hold it long.

Props: 2+ blocks, strap, wall space, an elevated surface like a bed, couch, or chair, optional weights or resistance bands.

Side Bends & OAHS Prep Class

June 27 from 12-1pm EDT

$25 suggested donation

Option to join live and/or practice with the recording, available until July 27th.

This is an advanced class for students with a consistent 30+ second freestanding handstand.

This class will include a thorough flexibility warm up, conditioning exercises, and technique breakdown before exploring more advanced options.

Expect to see a variety of side bending variations and shapes, press work, and one arm handstand prep. This will be a great opportunity to learn/refine drills to add into your usual practice or to incorporate into Irene’s other classes.

Prerequisite: 30+ second freestanding handstand

Props: 2 blocks, strap, wall space, socks, handstand blocks optional